Friday, April 4, 2014

Public Information Request

Although I like that so much information is available to the public, is sorta sucks when it's your information!

Memo from my Human Resources Office:

The District has been asked to provide information to 2 different media institutions under the California Public Records Act (Government Code, Section 6260, et. seq.).  The law requires the District to comply with these requests for data to be available to the public.  It further requires the District to disclose to its employees that requests were made, what the nature of these requests were and that it has complied.

The specific institutions and information requested are as follows:

1) The Bay Area News Group.  Salary and benefit data for each individual permanent full- and part-time employee for 2013.  The gathering of the requested information was completed and provided to The Bay Area News Group on or before Wednesday April 2, 2014.

2)  Salary and benefit data for each individual permanent full and part-time employee for 2012 and 2013.  The gathering of this information is still in process and will be provided to on or before Wednesday April 2, 2014.

Both of these companies have requested to include the employee name with each specific corresponding salary and benefit information.