Names are important. With the extensive number of profiles and personalities that we have on the web, we have the opportunity to choose names that truly represent who we are. My MySpace nickname is Lady Geek, for example. It occurred to me that I should explain where the name of this blog came from.
It comes from my high school friends. See, I used to tell stories. Some were interesting and amusing, some were just long. At some point, my friends were getting a little frustrated because they'd listen to a long and amusing story, but it would end without a conclusion. For me, the point was sharing the experience, of telling them what had happened. I was never terribly concerned about the point of the story, or what the listener could get out of it. I just wanted to share my experiences and thoughts.
We came to a compromise, I guess. I still told my long and amusing stories, but I prefaced them with, "This is a pointless anecdote," then later, I just said, "This is a P.A." This seemed to work. They listened attentively, were appropriately amused, but they knew that the story wasn't really going anyway. When they didn't expect it to lead to a point, then they weren't frustrated when it didn't get to one. Win-win.
I'm not sure how they felt when I realized, in the middle of the story, that I had no point. I would interrupt the story, saying, "Oh, uh, I guess this is a P.A." I wonder if that was frustrating or not?
So that's where my Pointless Anecdotes blog name comes from. Goooooo, Falcon band geeks!
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