Monday, February 21, 2011


I had been really looking forward to this holiday weekend.  I had four days off, and thought that it would be a great time to get out of town.  I've been feeling stuck or unsatisfied in my life lately, and thought a nice adventure would be a good diversion.

But, mainly due to poor planning, none of my travel ideas came to fruition.  I did finally finish my taxes, and do some other projects that I've been meaning to get done.  That's good, right?

I ended up inviting folks over for last night.  I invited most of my local friends, but only three said that they were going to make it.  I was pretty nervous that it'd be awkward, with just a few of us staring at each other over mounds of cheese.

I almost canceled it, but decided that we could still have fun, even it was just a few of us.  It's not like this was a MeetUp event, where it's considered a failure if only three people are there.  This was just friends hanging out!

I didn't cancel, and it ended up being a really nice time.  Unexpected friends came, even bearing gifts (I <3 my "Potential Slayer" t-shirt!), and people who were unsure if they could make it ended up coming.  So it wasn't just me and a friend or two, but enough people to play Taboo!  Although we didn't play Taboo. 

Lots of cheese (the horseradish and wasabi blend was the best) using my new cheese set, wine, soda, smoked salmon, and dips were had by all.  Then we played Apples to Apples (even though I had mentioned Settlers of Catan in my invite; this wasn't a Settlers type of crowd), followed by using Apples to Apples cards to read tarot (I had to have a second opinion; my first reading was unsatisfactory).  I followed this up with my surprise: dark chocolate fondue!

Part of the invite included my hot tub, but I checked and it was a cold tub, not even tepid.  [shakes fist at condo Board].  So we talked some more.  I'm really glad that I didn't cancel.  It was comforting to hang out with friends, to talk and laugh.  I need to do that more often.

Oh, and my Apples to Apples tarot reading?  My future will be juicy. :)

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