Monday, February 28, 2011

Unexpected Regret

I never expected that I'd stay with all of the people that I might fall in love with.  But I never expected to regret giving them my heart.  I always assumed that it wouldn't work out with some people, but that I would learn and grow from them.  And that we would love each other during and after our romance.  It never occurred to me that I might regret believing that they loved me.  But it feels like I gave him my heart in a little box, and that he threw it in the corner.  And occasionally steps on it.  Since we broke up, I pretty much have had no indication that he ever cared for me. 

I identify with the pain in this Pink song, but I actually do believe him.  I didn't want to at first, but now I'm really starting to consider that whatever he felt for me was easy enough for him to dismiss.  That when we chose to separate, that he whole-heartedly left me behind.  That's what I didn't expect.  I expected him to treat me with extra caring and compassion, with sensitivity.  To be thoughtful and empathetic in our interactions.  I knew that we'd move on; I never expected that he'd remain single or celibate.  I just wanted to know that he still cared.  I wanted my trust to be justified by his actions even after we broke up.  But I've seen no evidence that cares now, just evidence of the contrary. 

There's always that the chance that he's not able to show me caring or compassion, instead of unwilling to be sensitive and empathetic.  But in the end, it really doesn't matter the reason why.  What do you do when you give someone your heart and they discard it?  I don't know how to get it back.  I guess I'll just have to leave a piece with him, and keep going. 

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