Many of my FB Friends write about the meals that they've made or just eaten. Often they are gourmet-esque, but it always bothers me a bit because it's not like they completed an epic quest. They made dinner. Millions of people make three meals a day!
But here's where I eat crow, because I'm writing about the food that I made this weekend. Mostly because it was a pretty epic amount of items in just two days!
First, I made stuffed salmon. Okay, this one was easy because I bought the salmon already-stuffed from CostCo. I like to have enough main dishes, veggie side dishes, and fruit to last all of the lunches for the week. Main dish=done!
I also started cooking for yoga. See, I read an article in Yoga Journal about how someone made bundt cake every day for a year, and gave it away to different people every week. She talked about the act of giving made the act of baking a more spiritual practice. It wouldn't be spiritual if I did it every week, but a hassle, so I decided to cook something for someone once a month. The first problem that I ran in to is that I don't want to give my friends sugary or fattening gifts! Everyone is trying to be healthier, and I don't want my spiritual practice to derail someone. So for my first attempt, in January, I made the person that I was seeing a fruit and nut bar. It didn't come out quite right because I have no patience for dicing, but he says that he liked. For February, a friend from work was sick, so I decided to make her something. I chose a healthy apply crisp, with oatmeal and wheat flour and apples (of course). It turned out pretty well! Spiritual practice=done!
On to my vegetable box. I learned of Farm Fresh to You through a Groupon, and have been a member for two months now. I. Love. It. I love getting food delivered to my door. I love organic fruit and vegetables. I love someone else choosing a variety of new (to me) and familiar fruits and veggies, picked at their peak. This month, I received kale in my wonderful little box. Huh. Kale. What the heck to do you do with kale? So I looked up kale recipes online, and found that I shouldn't have cooked the chard so quickly; there are lots of soup recipes that include chard, kale, and beans. Sounds yummy! Oh, yeah, so I also cooked chard this weekend in soy sauce. Since the chard was out, I chose a recipe for kale chips. You just bake the kale leaves with season salt and some oil, and they turn out like seasoned seaweed. So yummy!
Finally, I also try to make one recipe a week from a cookbook. The cookbook that I'm currently going through is a birthday present that has recipes for pesto and tapenade. This week's "pesto" was an artichoke spread. I'm not sure that it should be called a "pesto" since it had neither pine nuts nor basil in it, but it was in the cookbook! I bought a giant jar of artichokes from CostCo, but couldn't get it opened! Rather than cry over my artichokes, I went to a neighbor and had him open in. He's a nice older gentleman. Always says hi to me. Calls me darling. Anyway, he opened it, so I gave him about half of the spread as a "Thank you." Which is too bad, because I just had it last night, and it is certainly very delicious!
That's my weekend of cooking. With the ingredients I have on hand, I could make a mean Square-1, too. I might do that next weekend. Square-1 is the name of a vegetable casserole that I made up, and my girlfriend (at the time) named. Because it was in a square pan. And it was the first dish that she named.
Lots of cooking=lots of eating. Yes!
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