Thursday, May 30, 2013

"Why Does the World Exist?" by Holt

Since I lost a Facebook posting of my and my friends' reviews of Star Trek: Into Darkness, here's a book review. 

My review from GoodReads:

Why Does the World Exist: An Existential Detective Story by Jim Holt
I hate this book. It's a bunch of (White) men pontificating on an obtuse topic that has no practical value. Despite my best efforts, I did finish reading it. But I will be blaming my book club for years to come about the waste of my time.

The only vaguely positive thing that might have come out of reading it is that I now know that people have tried to answer this "Why is there Something rather than Nothing?" question for centuries.  That's it.  I learned it's a tough question.  An impossible question.  And that  people have wasted their time on it for a very long time.   

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