Wednesday, May 11, 2011

PoF Adventures: Marathoner

So I was emailing this guy from PoF.  He runs marathons.  He mentioned that he doesn't have sex a week before a race.  I asked him why, and this was his response:

"I refrain from having sex, any type, because it keeps me strong. They mention this in movies like Rocky and Bull Durham. "

First of all, your reference for training is Rocky and Bull Durham?  Really?
Second, since he probably doesn't mean physically strong (he does run marathons), he's saying that not having sex keeps him emotionally strong or something.  My guess was that it's the act of refraining that shows his self-control.  Even then, It doesn't really make sense to me, but, no, he really meant that an orgasm depletes him.  Huh.
Finally, I was a bit confused by "any type."  Like, neither vaginal NOR anal sex before a race?  Is he including going down on someone (or, improbably with me, someone going down on him)?  I asked him about making out.  Is that off-limits?  What about kissing but no playing with Pink Parts?  After emailing, I think that he just was including masturbation.

Okay, I just have to go back to the source.  They say it in Rocky, so it must be true?  Seriously?  You're taking advice from a movie?  A Stallone movie?  Now, Rambo is actually an action-packed movie with a serious statement about returning vets, but Rocky?  I'm not sure that that movie has the same impact, other than the soundtrack.  I'm not sure what to make of the whole thing.  May be this guy just isn't that smart.  Or may be I'm misunderstanding something or taking his choice of words too seriously.  IDK, could be a Weirdo flag, even. 

The next Weirdo flag was when we started texting.  He immediately tried to get me sexting.  OMG, I haven't even met you yet!  I didn't realize what he was trying to do at first, so I just kept answering his questions but trying to lead the conversation away from physical appearances.  Eventually, I got what he was after, and texted that I wasn't interested.

We finally met last weekend.  It was a somewhat painful 3 hours in a coffee shop.  But he tried to take me out to dinner after, so may be he didn't see it.  He texted me three times the next day.  Once even asking me a personal question.  Eventually, I emailed him that I didn't think that we had enough in common, and wished him well on his training.  His very short response was something like, "I agree.  Bye."  Not even a "take care"?  And if you agree, what's with the inviting me to dinner, or texting me the next day?  I would've just let him quietly go, but the texting made me think that he'd pursue if I didn't make it clear.

Anyway, now I know that loving exercise and having shitty fathers isn't enough to build a relationship on!

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