Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July, 2012

I write a similar letter most every 4th of July.  It's my little "celebration."

How will you celebrate the 4th?  The American Way to celebrate our independence seems to be drinking beer and blowing things up with imported fireworks; how patriotic. I love this country.  I love that I can publish the following and not be “disappeared.”  I love that I can read, work, vote, and own property.  I love that there are millions of gay citizens who are happy and proud, eating Oreos.  I LOVE THAT OUR FIRST FAMILY IS BLACK. 


I wonder how many women will be beaten in their homes while you celebrate your freedom.  I wonder how many people of color, of all nations, will be killed in the Middle East while you celebrate your freedom.  I wonder how many gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender people want to kill themselves while you celebrate your freedom.  I cannot celebrate the independence of the United States until all of its citizens are actually free.  When childcare is universal and women have control of their uterus and birth control options, when people of color have all the opportunities as the White elite, when GLBT people can celebrate their love, when our country is free from our dependence on oil, and when we help other nations rather than attack them, then, and only then, will I celebrate this country.  

Waiting to celebrate,
Dr. Auntie M

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