Sunday, February 24, 2013

TV & Eating

When lecturing about classical conditioning, I often mention how people who generally snack while they watch TV end up feeling like they're hungry whenever they watch TV.  Even if they just ate.

I'm not immune.  When I'm working at home, I usually take a break for lunch or dinner and watch something on Netflix while eating.  So whenever I want a break, I want to be hungry.  And when I do watch TV without eating, I feel like something's missing. 

But I've also noticed something else about TV and eating.  When watching certain shows, I end up craving certain foods.  For example, I want coffee and cherry pie whenever I think about Twin Peaks.  If you ever watched even a couple of episodes of that show, you know that the main character had coffee and pie almost every episode. 

I'm re-watching Roswell now.  Many of the scenes are at the main character's work, the Crashdown Cafe.  It's a diner.  People order french fries a lot.  And milk shakes.  So now I'm craving shakes and fries.

The only other food-related viewing incident that I've had was when I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the theater.  I guess I didn't eat enough before watching that movie, because I had a hypoglycemic reaction to watching all of that candy and sweets.  I started getting a headache, then got nauseous.  Classic response when my blood sugar level drops too quickly.  I guess just seeing the candy increased my blood sugar level, which then crashed since I didn't have any real (protein-filled) food. So I threw up.  I almost made it to the bathroom.  :/

I wonder what foods others crave based on what their TV show characters are eating?

1 comment:

  1. I have the same kinds of responses when reading certain books too. One summer when I was a kid I read all the Chronicles of Narnia and some of them multiple times often while eating a bowl of Rice Krispies with a heaping spoonful of sugar. I have read those books since then and even if I don't crave that sugary "treat" (how disgusting it seems now) I at least think about it. And I read an interview with JK Rowling where she said she included the Hogwarts' feasts because she loves reading about character's meals in books. I agree!
