Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sleep & Sick Squared

I've had a head and chest cold for the past week.  Since it's been around so long, I think I'm going to call it Phoebe.
What's worse, is that I had a cold a few weeks ago!  I've never gotten sick so often. 

Yesterday was a full day of sickness.

I did get to sleep in, to about 10:30am.  I got out of bed about 11:30am and cleaned my apartment a bit.  I then called my mother, but she wasn't home.  Then I fell asleep in my Lazy Boy.  I some point, I moved to the couch.  I woke up around 3pm, and got up around 3:30pm. 

I called my mom again, and she was home, so we talked for awhile.  Our weekly chat.  I started to get a sinus headache while on the phone. 

After that, I had some stew and watched Netflix.  I felt like sleeping again, but thought that that would be ridiculous.  So I baked no-fat cupcakes.  Turns out, I had baked them before and they were gross both times.  When they were baking, I went into my office to work on a lecture, but really just checked stuff out online.  Then an old friend called, so I got to talk with her.  Happy times!

I had to get off of the phone to get ready to go to another friend's house.  Since I felt awful (still had that headache, plus the cough and congestion), I took some cold medication.  With one of those gross cupcakes.  During my shower, I felt worse and worse.  When I was all ready, I laid down.  Eventually, I texted my friend to say that I couldn't make it.  Within 5 minutes I threw up.  Ug. 

I went back to bed, but kept coughing.  I figured that the meds that I'd taken earlier were ejected, I took some Nyquil and watched another episode of Roswell on Netflix.  After that, I was able to get to sleep.

I'm feeling better today, but still coughing.  At least I'm not nauseous!  I think it was the cupcake. 

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