Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Completion: 2012 to 2013

My accomplishments, wins, and breakthroughs this year were:
    Got a teaching job!!!
    Easily completed the Pendleton 5k Mud Run.
    Started dating Gary.

My unmet expectations, failures, and breakdowns this year were:
    Not getting a job closer to the kids.
    Not losing weight.

I learned this year: that I still enjoy teaching.

What am I doing that’s working for me?
    Visiting family.

What am I tolerating?
    Grading too much.
    Skipping workouts, or not working out hard enough.

What am I willing to take responsibility for?

I would like to acknowledge myself for:
    Bravely starting a new job and new life.

The breakthrough that I would like to have next year is: balance grading and the rest of my life.

The judgment, philosophy, or belief that I’m willing to let go of to support that breakthrough is that: I have to read everything

What I can count on myself for is:
    Loving my kids
    Trying new things

No Resolutions

I don't do New Year's resolutions.  They are so worthless.  If I want to change my life, I won't wait until the new year, and I'll have a plan, not a resolution.  A resolution is a promise, and promises, even to yourself, can be broken.  But plans are a series of steps to get to your goal.  And the best plans have contingencies when you veer off of them.  That's way better than a resolution.

Tonight, I found that I do have three wishes.  I'm working on all of them already, so they aren't resolutions.  I don't have great plans for most of them, though.  May be that'll be an upcoming post?  But for now, here are my wishes:
  1. Catch up with my work.  
  2. Lose weight.
  3. Become certain about my feelings for my boyfriend, and certain about the commitments I have or will make to him.
That's it! 

Hm.  They actually look somewhat more difficult when written out like this.