Sunday, December 12, 2010

1st 5k, sorta

Several months ago, I was pretty frustrated with my lack of weight loss.  I worked out all of the time, and ate relatively healthy (although always too much fat).  Through the motivation of The Biggest Loser and my friend Sunshine who ran a half-marathon, I decided that I had to start running.  I hate running.  I’ve always hated running.  In grade school, I would walk when everyone else would run to recess. 
So I started jogging on the treadmill at the gym.  My old personal trainer had said that I should lift for 30 minutes and do cardio for 25-35 minutes.  So I started jogging for 35 minutes.  When I started, I would jog for 5 minutes, then walk for a few, and alternate.  Now I can easily get a mile into it, sometimes a mile and a half, before I walk and take a breather.  Anyway, I realized that I was reaching 3 miles in my 35 minutes of walking and jogging.  It occurred to me that that’s what a 5k is, and that I should sign up for one.  So I did!  Sunshine was going to compete with me, but then she was too busy with school.  :(  I also started compiling a play list.  It turns out that I like show tunes, because it’s like a movie in my head.  I also like songs that express what’s going on in my life, if the beat is fast enough.   Eventually I started running on the streets every few weeks.  My first trip, I actually went for 4 miles, and was wondering why it took me so long and why I was so tired of jogging!  My time going 3 miles was slower on the streets than on the treadmill, but I was getting faster (mostly).  This isn’t much of a training schedule, but it was something.  Since I knew that I could do it, the training was just to get faster. 
So the day gets closer.  I’m still “training.”  Then I learn that headphones aren’t allowed on the course!  There’s too much bike traffic, and a narrow trail.  I start freaking out.  Remember how I hate running?  The only reason that I could keep going was my wonderful play list!  I have the Buffy musical on it!  I had all of P!nk’s albums!  I almost backed out, but then decided that I had been “training” and still wanted to go through with it.  The worst that would happen was that I would walk the whole thing.  A 3 mile hike isn’t rough, it’s just the running that I hate.  I knew that Sunshine would be waiting for me, though, and I didn’t want to take a long time. 
So the big day arrives (today!).  I brought my headphones just in case, and my phone (which also plays music, and you don’t even need headphones!).  But I didn’t need my music!  It was a more of a running hike than anything.  I later saw that I signed up for a 5k trail run, not just a 5k run.  Oy vay.  At least I hike somewhat regularly, so the hills weren’t too impossible.  They were rough, though, after having been jogging.  But since I was mostly hiking up hills or trying not to fall down hills, it was a hike with some jogging on the flat parts.  And I don’t need music to hike.  I noticed three things on my 3 mile run/hike:
  • I don’t like running up hills.
  • I  don’t like running down hills.
  • The view was beautiful, coming down over the ocean, right before the end.  But it was near the end, so I just wanted to keep going rather than stop to admire it.
So that was my first 5k trail run.  My time wasn’t as fast as my runs, but I figure that’s okay because I was hiking.  And it was hotter than expected, unseasonably hot, in the mid-80’s.  Had I expected that, I might’ve worn shorts.  I definitely would’ve worn a tank top.  I wore a Comic-Con blood donation t-shirt.  I wanted to be diverse, to show that I’m not just a runner.  I did wear pants (and undies) that I knew wouldn’t fall down; that has been a problem for me during my “training.”  Losing weight messes up your wardrobe!  I did rank in the top 100, although I’m not sure how many competed.  Now I’ve gotta do a real running 5k, before I consider what to do next.  But next up, the midnight run on New Year’s Eve!  Actually, I might’ve signed up for the 5k, so there you go. 


  1. Congrats on losing enough weight that your pants fall down. That is awesome! How long did that take?

  2. Wait, can I comment now?
    So, yeah, I started running in May or June. I've been working out for years, though. I also used SparkPeople to review my nutrition starting in May, but don't use it much anymore.
