Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Exercise

I'm away from my gym for two weeks over the holiday break.  Since I was "training" for a 5k, I wanted to at least keep that up while traveling.  Especially since running is one of the easiest exercise activities to do while traveling.  The problem is that the best time to run is in the mornings, but mornings are always rough on me, and they're worse here because it's so cloudy.  And sometimes cold!

My first run here was cool, but it was sunny.  It was great to get out.  On my second run, I just couldn't seem to warm up.  I never really hit my stride, and was always sorta lagging.  I saw someone walking her dog a ways ahead of me, and it took me forever to finally catch up and pass her.  Then, when I was about to head to the steep hill that I just hike up, these two other joggers blew by me.  Granted, I was towards the end of my run, but it was still a little embarrassing.  I was also embarrassed that everyone had on fewer layers than me, even the person walking.  I was dressed for much  more serious weather than they were. 

It's been raining more, and I've been busy in the mornings lately, so I haven't had time to run much.  I've done a couple sets of push-ups, but should work more on that.  In fact, I could do squats, sit-ups, and push-ups and try for a weak "full body" workout.  It's supposed to snow for a few days, so the running might be on hold for awhile. 

May be I won't need to buy new pants after all?

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